Claudia Urdaneta-Zebersky |
"Why am I here? What is my purpose?"
Born in Venezuela, Claudia lived there for the first 17 years of her life and as soon as she graduated high school, she moved to Florida, United States, 14 years ago she reached a pinnacle in her life as she began to ask herself the question, where am I from? Why am I here? What is my purpose?
This question lingers in our heads for most of our lives, but only the ones brave enough to step out of the norm to seek answers, will be able to touch the surface of such complex and detailed process behind it. She also wondered, if it seems to only concern her, then what makes her different?
As life continued on and a series of events unfolded, Claudia realized that precisely the fact that she was different, gave her the opportunity to follow her intuition and experience life. Back in a psychology class, the famous quote from Shakespeare from Othello " There's nothing either good or bad, thinking makes it so” Left a mark and she began to question right over wrong and found herself stepping into the wrong side more often than not and by happenstance, meeting the right people at the right time, changing her life forever... but was it really a coincidence?
Claudia has always been fascinated by Buddhism, Taoism, Psychology and the power of the mind. She remembers her dad telling her on one occasion when she was very young, how the mind could heal the body. A thought so provoking, she used to think about it every time something hurt, to see if she could heal it, but every attempt without avail. Nevertheless, she never stop to think about it. She knew She had to find the answer to all those questions that had been hunting her for much of her life. And all of a sudden, after a serious of unexpected and overwhelming events, her level of consciousness expanded, tapping into the most amazing feature that any human can develop, our divinity....And from that point on, she was able to understand the power of the universe and began to shed some light to all her life long questions.
As we approach December 21st, 2012, here she is, awaken and ready to share her research and experience to all that are open and hungry for more. We have what it takes to change the world, but it must start within each and one of us. We may be part of something bigger than we ever imagined possible; it is our time to take responsibility for the world we depend on...We must follow the light....
David E. Rivero |
The Information Whistleblower
"The answers are all out there, we just need to know where to look for them"
The thirst for information shaped David into a researcher, always trying to make sense of the combined information he could gather at home, school, and his surroundings. He noticed that not all he heard or saw was necessarily "true facts", and he always kept an open mind about new ideas, new concepts, and new sources.
Driven by family issues, David moved to the United States in the year of 2001, a few months right before the events of September 11, 2001 in New Your City. After that sad day, not only for America, but for the entire world, David formed billions of new questions inside his mind, and then again, was back in the world of the impossible, that world that seemed so familiar, yet confusing, but that he himself recognized so vividly just seconds right after he came in contact with it.
After years of awareness about the media situation, he decided to explore into other fields, hoping to find more answer to his impossible questions, and what he was about to find, was not only the missing pieces of the puzzle, but the true meaning of his own life; his purpose of being alive at this time and standing at this particular geographic space. Connecting the dots is not an easy task, it takes time, preparation, open mind, thirst of the truth. Also, one has to be "aware" of every system that operates in the world since the discover of metals and the end of the era of wood and stone. It is important that we live according to our purpose, to our reason of being here at this time and space. It is important to realize that the answers are all out there, we just need to know where to look for them.
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